Welcome ! 💐
|Feel free to message me anytime! I rlly don't mind lol
|Have a good day! 🌺


♡ Libby
♡ She/Her
♡ 17, Oct 16
♡ Lesbian

Extra Info/Notes

♡-Sorry if any of this is a bit of a long read!
♡-I'm really sorry if you say something venty and I respond with smth like a "LOL", if I do that I thought you were joking! I'm not always the best at telling the tone, please let me know when that happened so I can respond appropriately, I don't want anyone to feel like I don't care </3
♡-Tone tags aren't always necessary but they're appreciated if the tone is unclear
♡-I'm fine w/ listening to vents but I'm sorry if I don't have good advice, I'll try my best!
♡-If you ever have any problems/gripes with me please communicate them to me so I can fix it !
♡-I love talking to people so don't worry about rather yr bothering me if u message me a lot, you rlly aren't at all lol
♡-Sorry if I don't start conversations, it doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you I'm probably just shy lol
♡-No cancer jokes please
♡-I'm usually fine with calling but if I express I'm uncomfortable with it/just don't want to please respect that(<- for acquaintances, I'm fine calling my friends&besties anytime!)

@bnooie's Gallery

▪ Last Updated 00:00 AM
"You don't have to be perfect to be loved!"

oINTERESTSooooo∇@bnooie•00:00 PM

GAMES | Genshin Impact, Roblox, Minecraft, Pokemon, etc...
SHOWS | Little Witch Academia, The Owl House, Amphibia, Saiki K, ATLA, Kipo, Steven Universe, etc...
MUSIC | Origami Angel, Glass Beach, Prince Daddy & The Hyena, Bulldog Eyes, Mike Krol, Sipper, DINERS, etc...